Sunday, January 29, 2017

21 Weeks

How far along: 21 weeks, 6 days
Maternity clothes: Still just wearing my looser fitting exercise pants and sweats for the most part…thank goodness for the job that I have!
Stretch marks: Nope thankfully!  I am using straight Shea butter mixed with lavender (AMAZING stuff…thank you Rebecca!), and Burt’s Bees Belly Butter to help avoid them.

Sleep: Pretty good, but I am now starting to get a little more uncomfortable.  My doctor has officially told me to try and stay off my back, so I am try to get creative with pillows to make side-sleeping a little more comfortable.  My belly even feels big enough now that I like putting a folded blanket or flat pillow underneath it.
Best moment this week: Obviously finding out that we’re having a baby girl!!  (Technically we found out last week) When I went to my appointment, they tell you to drink 32 oz. of water an hour before the appointment (trust me, it’s more than you think), and by the time we got in to the room, I had to pee so bad!! Lol…luckily the ultrasound tech let me go to the bathroom, but just not empty my bladder all the way (so the baby is still nice and pushed up out of my pelvis so they can see more on the ultrasound).  As she started the ultrasound, she asked if we wanted to know the gender and we both said yes.  I could have sworn I saw a little boy part right at the beginning but the tech said it wasn’t that haha.  She kept swirling the ultrasound probe around my belly, and it was so cool to see how much more our baby has developed since my last ultrasound!  I understand for the most part what I’m looking at when I’m seeing an ultrasound, but as I was making out what I thought was her face, the tech then says, “no, that’s her bum”…oh great, I’m already a bad mom lol.  Anyways, right after that she says, “It’s a little girl!”  I was already caught off guard cuz of the whole face/bum mix-up, so it surprised me when she said it all of a sudden (since I really was somewhat convinced we were having a boy), and Hesston immediately was like “Yes, I knew it” and did a little fist pump lol.  We are both so happy to be having a girl though, and can’t wait to see her and hold her!

{Cool shot of the umbilical cord going into her tummy!}

 It's a girl!!

Miss anything: Not really at the moment.  I’m still fairly comfortable, I still am allowed to eat most of the foods I crave, so for right now, I’m good!
Movement: Yesiree!  I will admit that a few nights ago, I got a little nervous because I was having some weird pains and not feeling very well, and to top it off, hadn’t felt much movement in the last day and a half.  It’s easy to get nervous when you have such little control over a situation.  Anyways, luckily later the next night after I laid down, I started feeling her a whole lot more (her movements are definitely starting to get more distinguishable from just gas bubbles haha) and my mind was put at ease J  I am excited to feel stronger and stronger movements though, for peace of mind and just because it’s such an exciting feeling!
Food cravings: Still my Cream of Wheat, scrambled eggs, toast with raspberry jam (ya, breakfast food all around these days).  Also, pretty much the only vegetable I can actually get myself to eat these days is steamed spinach with lemon juice and salt (you probably think I’m crazy lol), but I grew up eating it that way, and I LOVE it!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no.  When I get cramps though (what I’ve deduced to be a uterus growth spurt or Round Ligament pain…which is awful by the way), I do start to feel a little nauseous if it’s really bad.
Have you started to show yet: I would definitely say so!  It’s nice to actually have a more obvious belly now especially considering I’m already past halfway!
Gender prediction:  GIRL!!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: Still in, but I’m noticing my belly is starting to stretch it out and make it look a little flatter
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy happy!
Looking forward to: Buying more baby stuff!  It has been next to impossible to not buy everything in sight now that I know we’re having a little girl.  We are trying to avoid buying a whole lot since there is a chance (and hopefully a good chance) that Hesston will get a job and we will move soon after the baby is born.  Hesston just doesn’t want to be stuck moving a whole ton of extra things, and I can’t blame him.  It is hard to wait though, so I tide myself over by just filling up registries and only buying a few small “easy to pack” things.

...just a few things to tide me over ;)

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